Watch This amazing Red Italian Style Bedroom Furniture

When it comes to your romantic Bedroom design, you will want something that exudes comfort and luxury. With red Italian style bedroom furniture design you get just that.

Italian style Red bedroom hand carved from solid wood .The magnificent bed with head board in capitone Red and carved rosette The dressing table and the beside tables finished with carvings in White lacquer . great value all the fabrics which harmoniously match the white carving . see also gold bedroom in Italian style , All materials of strict Italian origin, manufactured in Italy
The Italian red Bed Room Complete Set include :
Bed Dimensions: L: 232 P: 230 H: 208
Bedside table Measurements: L: 82 P: 38 H: 66
Armchair Teseo Measurements: L: 72 P: 70 H: 110
Poof Ermes Dimensions: H: 50 ∅: 55

Going for red Italian painted bedroom design style means It is always a good idea to find inspiration from websites and research. You will find more ideas that you can use to get the perfect feel of the room and create something truly great, comfortable, and relaxing.
Ermes Bedroom Photos Credit: Asnaghi Interiors